Weaving Ancient Wisdom Into Business

Step Into Higher Consciousness To Unlock New Paradigms In Your Business

Evolve Your Soul, Elevate Your Brand, Uplevel Your Business

NOW IS YOUR TIME. Together we are co-creating a New Earth.

It’s time to step into ALL of who you came here to be and express that through your soul’s work in the world from a place of CLARITY and a SOUL VISION. It’s time to lead from within so you can create high-vibe IMPACT and conscious ABUNDANCE.

Just, WOW. The energy of this work is really powerful, palpable and a catalyst for my ongoing transformation. After our very first session I experienced a number of big integrations and clearings on both emotional and physical levels.

Working with you supports me in truly showing up in all areas of my life – both business and personal – in my full truth and authenticity.

Gayle Nowak – Visibility Sage, gaylenowak.com

Let’s Create Magic

Ways we can work together:

Shaman with hawk wings in hand

Shamanic Consultancy

Energy Work for Your Business, Your Leadership, Your Team

Energy Brand Magic

Let Spirit Work Through Me to Birth Your Divine Brand.

Intuitive Retreat Support

Connect With the Deeper Energies of Your Retreat and Lead With Sacred Support

Intuitive Coaching, Just For You

I bring all my gifts to our private sessions in this 3-month magical and supportive container.

Shamanic Consultancy

This visionary methodology is like energy work for your business. Are you prepared to artfully lead your company to its highest expression in the world? Are your team, brand, and OPs fully alligned to support your mission? Energy affects everything. Mastering energy is a game changer. It is a powerful, unseen force very few leaders learn to harness, let alone are aware of. I can help.
Interested to explore more? Click below.

Energy Brand Magic

Birth your sacred brand from Spirit and Soul. My unique process enables your brand discovery process to become a deeply transformational experience that will uplevel you and your business in ways unimagined.

Intuitive Retreat Support

Imagine having your own personal shaman in your back pocket as you create on your next transformational retreat or event. Experience the profound difference of being fully plugged into the spirit realms and supported as you plan and lead your retreats. Turbo charge the transformation for both you and your clients. There is nothing quite like this!

Intuitive Coaching - Just for You

I bring all my gifts to our private sessions in this private, 3-month container. Receive magical support around the area you most need right now. Channeling, energy healing and activations, business and brand coaching – it’s all here for you, drawing on what’s needed on each call.


I'm Veronica. I'm a shamanic practitioner, channel, business visionary, intuitive, transformational coach, best-selling author, and founder of Evolvative™ and the Athena Matrix™. On a spiritual journey since my youth, I experienced powerful awakenings through my 20s and 30s. In January of 2000 I began receiving channeled guidance from my wise circle of guides and teachers. Kept private until a few years ago, I now actively bring my mystical gifts forward to guide my business and client work.

Through my work I bring insight into the future landscape of what a business and a brand can be at their highest level and what others can do to show up as soul-led leaders and innovators in this new territory. Drawing on my varied experience from both the business and mystical worlds, I blend spiritual soul work with my revolutionary approach to creating and expressing fully aligned brands and businesses. How can I help you bring your sacred vision forward?

This is what V offers her clients. She’s a shamanic star-being that is all about energetic alchemy. She rides on the frequencies that you project your work to be as it goes out into the world.

With her guidance, the branding and design took shape. I awoke one morning with a rough draft of what it might look like and from there my truest expression was created beyond my wildest dreams. Truly, this is deep transformational work and this is what sets Veronica apart. She is an energy & design alchemist and a shamanic star who reminds you of who you are.

Kristy Scott – KrystallineEarthHealing.com

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